Mechanical Engineering Metrology and Measurements (MEMM)#
Set of Jupyter notebooks, prepared by Prof. Alex Liberzon, School of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University for the course that is called in many places as “Mechanical Measurements Lab 1” or “Theory and Design of Mechanical Measurements”, “Introduction to Measurements for Mechanical Engineers”, etc.
This book does not replace the course materials but rather organizes them in Jupyter and Markdown notebooks. We hope it is useful as an assistance learning material for undergraduate engineering laboratory courses. It is an open-source project, and any contribution is welcome ( contact on Github ).
Textbook and relevant books:#
This course follows the [Figliola and Beasley, 2020]. It is also recommended to consult with [Dunn and Davis, 2017] and [Wheeler and Ganji, 2009]
Table of contents#
Theory of experiments and measurements
- Engineering Example: Uncertainty Analysis in Mechanical Measurements
- Standardization
- Laboratory Notebook
- Uncertainty 101
- Uncertainty in simple terms from IAEA
- Short summary of the ``Measurement good practice guide ‘’ by NPL
- Simple example of mechanical measurement with uncertainty analysis
- Using AI tools to learn uncertainty
- How to estimate the uncertainty of a slope for static calibration or regression
- General measurement system diagram
- Significant digits
- Propagating uncertainty using Monte-Carlo simulations
Statistics for measurements
Analog to digital (A/D) and D/A
Signal processing
Dynamic signals
Copyright Information#

To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
P.F. Dunn and M.P. Davis. Measurement and Data Analysis for Engineering and Science. CRC Press, 4 edition, 2017.
R.S. Figliola and D.E. Beasley. Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements. Wiley, 2020.
A.J. Wheeler and A.R. Ganji. Introduction to Engineering Experimentation. Prentince Hall, 2009.